The downloading of ecah edition was felt to be unnecessarily long. Also even with multi-tasking the app did not seem to download the edition in the background. i.e you had to stay in the app to get the download to work. I have seen other magazines where you start with the table of the contents and can start reading the article you like pretty quickly, and the rest of the magazine is downloading in the background. That model does not make you feel like the downloading was that long.
Also one may not want to read every article in an edition of the journal too.
The video play back also has a draw back at least in some f the vides. There is only one beat of the heart for example in an ech video. The play back does not continually loop. This makes it necessary for the reader to repeatedly press the play back. The resulting experience is one of frustration, as it is diffcult to see what needs to be seen. I am not sure if this is an iPad limitation or the app limitation. Irrespectively, the result is the same. Hops this could be addressed.
Overall this is a great way read the JACC and I am hoping that these "minor" annoyances can be easily addressed.
pkilaru about JACC Journals